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Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 10th July 2024 at 7.00pm

The Friends of Wateringbury Church’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 12 July 2023 at St John the Baptist Church, Wateringbury at 7.00pm.  Members and public are all welcome.

The AGM will look to approve the Financial Statements for the period to 2023 and, if considered fit, approve and elect/re-elect trustees to the Board.  If you are interested in becoming a trustee, please submit your name to the Secretary with a proposer and seconder by Tuesday midnight 9th July 2024.  At the AGM, only members of FOWC will be eligible to vote.

As the AGM is the FOWC’s formal annual public meeting, members are encouraged to submit written questions in advance by Tuesday midnight 9th July 2023.  However, questions will be taken on the night.



  1. Introduction by FOWC President

  2. Message from the Chairman

  3. Apologies for Absence

  4. Declaration of Interests

  5. Matters Arising from 2022 AGM

  6. Statement of Accounts

  7. Update on Projects

  8. Update on Membership

  9. Update on Comms and PR

  10. Election of Trustees

  11. Future Planning for FOWC

  12. Questions

  13. Summary – Chairman

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